Welcome to Had Consultancy

Institutional Capacity Development & Training


Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we measure the impact of global development programs.


We evaluate activities, outcomes, and processes to improve the performance of global development projects.


We provide a comprehensive suite of management consulting tools to strengthen the performance of global development organizations.

Who We Are

How We Can Help…

Monitoring and evaluation (often called M&E ) is a combination of data collection and analysis (monitoring) and assessing to what extent a program or intervention has, or has not, met its objectives (evaluation). Monitoring and Evaluation have been used to assess the performance of the project, program, and social initiatives therefore we tell you;

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What we do

Hadconsultants provides consulting services focused on enhancing the effectiveness of global development efforts.

Institutional Capacity Development & Training
We provide opportunities for government institutions, nonprofit organizations....
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Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL)
MERL strengthens performance measurement strategies that enhance efficiency....
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Peacebuilding, Democracy, and Good Governance Initiatives
This objective strengthens peace-building and good governance initiatives for.....
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Business Development Services (Entrepreneurship skills and ideas)
This objective target youth and other business minded members of the society in investing...
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Social and behavioral change (Team building, mentoring, mindset changes)
This objective is to enhance result-oriented behavior change communication....
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Provision of Legal Services
HAD is a leading consultant law firm serving public, private, and not-for-profit....
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Take action now and become a catalyst for positive change.

Contact us today to discuss how our partnership can help your organization thrive and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those you serve.