Our Approach

Hadconsultants is committed to upholding the highest Standards of Business and Ethical Conduct and maintaining compliance with all applicable policies, laws, rules and regulations.

Beyond following the law, one of the fundamental principles of professional business conduct at Hadconsultants is to treat others with respect. Respectful, professional conduct furthers the company’s mission, promotes productivity, minimizes disputes, and enhances the company’s reputation. All employees and affiliates are expected to demonstrate cultural understanding, sensitivity, and respect in their conduct of Hadconsultants business.

Hadconsultants requires that employees and affiliates who represent Hadconsultants’s interests observe all applicable laws and regulations as well as those of the countries in which they are working or traveling while on Hadconsultants business.


Impact tracing: Hadconsultants is committed to demonstrating that our work is making development more effective at improving people’s lives. We engage with current and past clients to measure the impact of our support, and we use these findings to strengthen our own programs.


Utilization: Hadconsultants is focused on ensuring that all of our services and our evaluations are useful to our clients, inform policy and management decisions, and when possible, are available for use by the broader development community.


Evaluation Quality, Use, and Impact  proprietary system is used by Hadconsultants for managing evaluations to achieve impact. Through this proven process, we deliver cost-effective evaluations and practical recommendations to advance the impact of global development. We follow up with clients after our evaluations to understand how the results were used and how positive change happened.

Local capacity

We are building the capacity of our local partners. We conduct evaluations that foster local participation, learning, and empowerment among a range of stakeholder groups. We build organizational skills, incentives, and systems to be able to to achieve their goals. We share tools and resources and where possible, facilitate opportunities for hands-on practical experience in their use.

We employ USAID’s Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) approach to help governments and civil society organizations achieve performance excellence and responsibly meet the needs of their countries and constituents.