
Ministry Of Planning, Investment And Economic Development (MoPIED) - Evaluation Landscape Analysis In Somalia

The Somalia evaluation landscape analysis was commissioned to understand the evaluation sector, institutional, and individual factors that inform and shape the national evaluation capacity-building program at federal and regional level among the public sector, academia as well as civil society.

BRCiS Community Water Voucher Learning Report

The general objective of the study was to enhance learning on community water vouchers and specifically to determine the value for money of the approach; more insights on the implementation modality; community participation; accountability, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and equity. The study sought to also find out the challenges related to implementation strategies, community engagements; opportunities; and lessons learned/best practices.

Baseline For Food And Economic Security (FES) Project Report - Nebbi District

This report presents details of the baseline survey for the food and economic security project being implemented in the sub counties of Erussi and Ndhew by CARITAS Nebbi with funding from the Bread for the World Germany. The report highlights the background and objectives of the project, the focus of the baseline survey, the scope, approach and methodology used.

Traditional Food And Farmer Seed Sytems Study Report

The purpose of the study was to document information regarding traditional food crops and seed systems being used by farmers and their general understanding.